SEO Backlinks Need Backlinks

How Google Uses Backlinks

Backlinks are the engine that drives the internet, connects websites and content together and importantly pass relevance information from site to site.

Google uses the backlinks that point at a site to gauge the importance and relevance of a site within a specific category niche.

The more powerful and relevant the backlinks profile is, the higher the page or site will rank for relevant search terms.

Criteria for Backlinks

To get the ranking benefit that you need from your backlink profile, your links need to have several important characteristics.

Google write rules and conditions into their ranking algorithms to prevent less scrupulous webmasters from ‘gaming’ their results and artificially ranking higher than they maybe ought to.

These rules are designed to allow their automated algorithms to identify low quality signals and prevent them from passing influence. You can dedicate the time and effort you need to find, analyse and create or request a link all yourself, but you may find it more cost effective and time efficient to ask Deeho buy high quality backlinks to create your high quality links for you.

It used to be enough just to publish a relevant article on a web 2.0 site and see a ranking benefit, but today, Google knows that such a link is easy to build, and difficult to police effectively, so it introduced an element to their algorithm that devalues ‘orphan’ pages.

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Orphan Pages

An orphan page is a web page that has no links pointing to it and therefore can’t be indexed easily or found by search bots. Google treat these pages as non pages and regardless of the domain they are on and the power and authority it may have, they will not have any influence on your search rankings.

The solution is to build a few links pointing to those article pages so that they have some authority and relevance to pass on to your site.

The type of links and the link category they pass will be governed by the link category dominance of the links that you build to them.

Link category is a very important metric for your websites success and only relevant categories will assist related content.

This means that if you have a building and construction website, you need to build links from Business/Construction category links. Unrelated category backlinks have little beneficial effect for your rankings and moving forwards, link category is only going to become more important, so it’s not an area of link building that you can ignore.

SEO training is essential so you understand how your website works and how in ranks in SERPs.

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